What's fascinating about this game is how it surprises you at every turn: first you're surviving a zombie onslaught while you're barricaded in a house with nowhere to run. You play as agent Leon S Kennedy, who's sent to a mountain range in Spain to retrieve the president's daughter from a bunch of fanatics, including a short demon man who dresses like Napoleon. Even though it's not that scary compared to past Resi games – though it certainly has its moments, if you've ever tried shooting the lake near the start of this game – it's a masterclass in set piece design. That over-the-shoulder aiming was taken directly from the game, and found its way into Gears of War, GTA 4 and everything that would follow. The entire lineage of modern third-person shooters goes back to Resident Evil 4. This one is already on Nintendo Switch, too, and it's still a treat to play today.